Legends of OLOID technology
Why should we write about former employees, pioneers and companions of the OLOID machines?
Companies are built on exciting and effective ideas that are supported by the market.
They grow and develop on the shoulders of people. Just as every living being has an ancestral history, companies also have ancestors.
Why shouldn’t we start writing down the history of the many shoulders now?
We do this in the foreboding that in another 100 years, Oloids will be just as well known as the sphere, the cube or the drop of water.
The Oloid idea is now almost 100 years old. There is always the association that Oloids are only aesthetic, mathematical works of art. And that is certainly the case. In the sense of aesthetic corporate management, according to which Neuguss (as the parent company of the OLOID Solution) understands business, the Oloid metaphorically combines geometry (structure) with inversion (function) and aesthetics (stylish and playful communication and the changeability of human interaction).
Aesthetic corporate management is exactly that: the light but not frivolous handling of structures and functions in the rapidly changing times – geared towards the preservation of the company itself (going concern) and at the same time towards stylish growth. This corporate management also forms the flexible foundation on which it stands. We believe that this is the only way to understand the new way of doing business.
From the former energy input of the entrepreneurial ancestors, which is no longer visible but must still have an effect, the company’s path into the future is shaped with aesthetics. Employees become collaborators, collaborators become contributors and collaborators become legends – always following the laws of nature.
We therefore asked ourselves whether we could still put these parts to good use. And so we decided to use these parts to create installations that make it possible to experience the geometric oloid as a form. From hand flatterers to eye candy, we will let off steam in terms of design.
Are we allowed to write about Paul Schatz, the discoverer of the Oloid, even though we didn’t even know him a few years ago? Tobias Langscheid, his grandson, says: Yes!
From our point of view, Paul Schatz has found a new geometry. If your child asks you “Why does the drop of water have the shape of a drop, when in nature this shape is only visible as a tear?”, you could now also say: That comes from the oloid!
Let’s look at the most important “known” geometric solids in the world:
Cube, sphere, cylinder, pyramid and cone.
In purely geometric terms, the pyramid can be derived from the cube and the cone from the cylinder. What can be derived from the sphere? By shifting a circle parallel to the sphere, we find the oloid solid. The lost geometry is therefore the Oloid.
If Paul Schatz were to read these last lines, he would shake his head in a friendly and determined manner and say the following:
As I freed the cube from itself and connected it to the world sphere space, I persuaded it to return to itself. Since then, a new dialog between the spheres and the gravity beings has been resounding. And everything I say and create is taken from these dialogues. (Paul Schatz – 1963)
Paul Schatz is the father of all OLOID legends up to the end of our known time. He discovered the Oloid during the inversion of a cube hull in 1930, meaning that the Oloid did not originate from the sphere, but from the cube.
In 1938, Paul Schatz used the oloid to develop the first ship propulsion system and, in the 1970s, various forms of oloid technology to purify water. In 1974, he founded the company OLOID AG in order to be able to implement water projects.
Fig.: Tobias Langscheid with a large invertible cube hull from his grandfather’s estate
We have Tobias Langscheid to thank for the fact that OLOID Solution GmbH exists as such today. Together with his brother Christoph, he took over OLOID AG in 1993 and played a key role in developing the OLOID into a market-ready machine.
The “OLOID oval gear transmission” came to OLOID Solution GmbH, in the care of the Neuguss Foundation, in a self-reversing process.
Tobias Langscheid is no longer officially working for OLOID Solution GmbH. However, he continues to follow our path very attentively and actively. Today, he devotes his time to his grandfather’s estate and promotes the inversion movement as such. Tobias Langscheid is a living legend. He himself best describes why he is a legend for us.
We thank Tobias from the bottom of our hearts for his work(s).
Quote Tobias Langscheid:
“It is not possible to free ourselves from this situation in the world with the same kind of human thinking with which we have slipped into countless wars, crises and environmental destruction. Thinking must be renewed from the ground up. For this reason, Paul Schatz has studied inversion and created its regularity on the cube, a rhythmically working technique, with the oloid.
The Oloid is “out of the box” and therefore difficult to grasp. The cube has become round and reveals new dimensions for water treatment, mobility and energy generation. The Greek ‘holos’ is the root word behind the oloid, ‘the whole’ and not the part that needs to be grasped.
Holistic approaches have a future, which is why the oloid is not just a curiosity, but a program. Everything is connected to the other and the flapping of the butterfly’s wings “You have to turn your life upside down” is the core motivation of Paul Schatz and the many other pioneers who searched for a turning point in the origins of becoming and development and in some cases found it.
Therefore, every sale of an OLOID machine is a step forward, a real turning point in the world and the more this type of technology becomes established, the more the new company can also achieve economic success. All the best for the future.”
There is probably no other Berliner (from Saxony) like Markus Knappe, as we call him: Markus, reverently called “Matte” or “God” by his colleagues.
Markus worked for us at our brother company “alfred rexroth Berlin” between 2014 and 2019, during which time he built, repaired and helped develop all OLOIDs from the former Inversions-Technik Basel, now OLOID Solution GmbH.
And he did this in his incomparable way: direct, competent, fast, confident and cheeky, with a good dose of improvisational talent. We would like to describe his way of working as delicate. But he wouldn’t like that, nor would it suit him.
We thank you, Markus!
Hermann Leisse was Managing Director of alfred rexroth in Berlin for decades and was automatically responsible for the T6/OLOID department due to his position.
This task can be lived or fulfilled. Hermann has filled it with life and passion. He “brought” Markus Knappe to the position of mechanical engineer. He designed and still designs OLOIDales for us today.
From our point of view, he also opened his heart to inversion and thus brought this young technology forward on a daily basis and repeatedly set new standards through the development and construction of impulse-generating machines.
Hermann, we thank you!
There are legendary OLOID trailblazers who perhaps do not see themselves as such – or who, out of modesty, do not want to be aware of this fact. We value this perspective. Nevertheless, you are a legend for us, Ms. Reifenhäuser.
Legendary professional and emotional intelligence, paired with a great ease in structuring complex factual and mixed situations, combined with a hearty wink when delivering dark blue news.
When this strong character is interwoven with a vision for the OLOIDs, how can such a companion not be legendary? She can’t.
Thank you, Irene!
OLOID Solution GmbH owes a great deal to Andrea Valdinoci! It always takes technicians and people to build machines (OLOIDs).
But having someone who takes on the task of “Managing Director of Inversion Technology” with excellence, determination and empathy in a field of conflicting interests has probably saved inversion technology. Is it too honest to write at this point that the OLOID machines have not made a profit in the past? Yes, it is. But who benefits from stories that are stylized after the fact?
Andrea has taken on this task. We maintain that if he had not done so, OLOID Solution GmbH would no longer be active as a company today. Andrea Valdinoci is a legend for us and at the same time a living companion as Chairman of the Foundation Board of Neuguss, and thus of our parent company.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your many years of commitment to the OLOID! We would not be where we are now without you!